The availability and use of online productivity web-based applications (think word processing and spreadsheets) has exploded over the past two years and for good reasons! These powerful applications provide users with the ability to create and share documents over the internet without the need of installed desktop applications. Some experts speculate that this emerging trend may mean the death to Microsoft Office and other software-based productivity tools, while others think web-based applications have their place, but not in the office. But no matter which side of the office suite platform you side with, on this both sides seem to agree; web-based apps have their place.
One large benefit to web-based applications it that they eliminate the need to worry about different software versions or file types as you email documents or move from PC to PC. Another bonus is that they easily accommodate collaboration by allowing multiple users to edit the same file (with versioning) and provide users the ability to easily save and convert documents as multiple file types (including HTML and pdf). And, you can even use many of these tools, such as Zoho Writer and Google Docs* (formerly known as Writely) to author and publish posts to your blog. It’s this type of integration with other web 2.0 tools that also makes web-based apps so appealing.
With Zoho and web-based applications, the possibilities are endless.
Discovery Exercise:
Optional: If you're up for the challenge, try using Zoho’s "publish" options to post to your blog.
* Note: You can also explore Google Docs (formerly known as Writely), Google's online word processer, as an option for this exercise. On Oct 11th, Google relaunched Writely (which it acquired in Spring 2006) as Google Docs.
I've created a document Zoho Doc for you to see how easy it is to create and share.
My Zoho link and doc can be found in my blog post at
I emailed the doc to myself which is a feature that should help our technologically challenged patrons so they don't have to switch to their private email service. I also posted the doc directly to my blog from Zoho( which is a cool feature (sort of like the local police and feds cooperating)(well sort of anyway). Free Office software is an advantage. Biggest disadvantage that I see at this time is I have to be online to use it. If Comcast is down, I have to find my typewriter.
posted a silly little blurb from the zoho doc to my blog.
I completed #18 and added by test document to my blog. Check it out at:
I actually published my document to my blog.
My little rant:
My 'published' Zoho document: #18
I used Zoho-meeting to schedule a meeting with family members about planning our annual Christmas dinner. I also used Zoho-writer,it was just creative/fanciful writing,nothing serious & I emailed it to my manager.
I have completed #18. Hallelujah!!!!
Mwa-ha-ha-ha! Though I was confused about how to get it into my blog, I actually did figure it out eventually! In the name of preserving the good and the bad, here is my link to my first post, which did not go over so well:
And my second, in which I succeeded where I had previously failed. Good for me!
Here's my blog post. I only published my best document to my blog. I must say that I liked this Zoho Writer. I'm not quite sure yet how the library system would use it, especially with customers.
I liked Zoho Writer. Here's the link to my blog post:
#18: 1st Go with Zoho. I published my Zoho commentary written with Zoho to the blog -- but then I had to go into the blog and re-edit, for instance, to lessen the space between paragraphs and to do away with the unnecessary extra blank lines at the bottom. Some annoyances are mentioned in the post, but all in all Zoho seems very useful.
kdeas (
lesson #18 Zoho Writer
Here is my activity #18, Web-based Apps. I created a sample Zoho account. It is simple.
My post:
jcurry (
Ok, I checked Zoho and played with it. It took forever to get a page going, but you will find it on my blog. At least, I think you will!
No this will not be anything I will use.
I had no idea that something like this existed.
Web based apps are the wave of the future. I've used Google Docs for a couple of years and shown it to numerous customers. It's much easier to use than Microsoft Word.
Here's mine #18
Zoho Writer might save me a few bucks! I'm about to buy a new laptop and don't have any office software. This might save me a few hundred dollars!
Just something small for Xmas
I used Zoho and will revisit again.
For my post on Web-Based Apps: They're Not Just For Desktops please see:
Sweet! I liked this one also!
Joined Zoho and made a doc!
See it on my blog:
I was impressed by Zoho. However, while my document looked fine in Zoho, it was different when I posted it to my blog. After a few attempts and much grinding of my teeth, I just let it go. I might use it just to create a document (that I will not post to a blog!).
You can find my document and blog at
Publishing the doc to my blog was easy, but the bullet dots changed into flowers...hmmmm
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