Library 2.0 is term used to describe a new set of concepts for developing and delivering library services. The name, as you may guess, is an extension of Web2.0 and shares many of its same philosophies and concepts including harnessing the user in both design and implementation of services, embracing constant change as a development cycle over the traditional notion of upgrades, and reworking library services to meet the users in their space, as opposed to ours (libraries).
Many have argued that the notion of Library 2.0 is more than just a term used to describe concepts that merely revolve around the use of technology; it also a term that can be used to describe both physical and mindset changes that are occurring within libraries to make our spaces and services more user-centric and inviting. Others within the profession have asserted that libraries have always been 2.0: collaborative, customer friendly and welcoming. But no matter which side of the debate proponents fall, both sides agree that libraries of tomorrow, even five or ten years from now, will look substantially different from libraries today.
Discovery Resources:
OCLC Next Space Newsletter – Web 2.0: Where will the next generation of the web it take libraries?
Five perspectives:
- Away from Icebergs
- Into a new world of librarianship
- To more powerful ways to cooperate
- To better bibliographic services
- To a temporary place and time
Wikipedia - Library 2.0
Library 2.0 Discussions (list of great references from Wikipedia)
Discovery Exercise:
- Read two or three of the perspectives on Library 2.0 from the list above.
- Create a blog post about your thoughts on any one of these? Library 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?
- Post a comment to this blog with a link to your blog post
Away from the icebergs. #15
I read several of the items in Library 2.0 and oh boy!
To think that librarians were resisting "RFID", it looks like something more powerful is coming down the pipeline. We may not even have books to attach the RFID code to in the future!
#15 Library 2.0: Embracing the Internet
I read several of the discussions and gave my reactions in:
Great reading!
Look at me go!!!!! I got it!!!
# 17 I found the articles interesting. the middle ones were a little too library specific for me.
The, technorati and Library 2.0 - 3.0 posts are in one post on my blog @
kdeas (
What I think about our technical future:
I could rant more, but even I don't want to read it.
#15 away from the icebergs
Interesting stuff. See my ravings at
Here is my comment on #15. Love Library 2.0
Here's the link to my post:
what does it mean?
thing 15:
In order to have a future, we must innovate. But at the same time figure out how to educate all of the people who have shockingly few technology skills.
See my blog for comments. Looked at Technorati and decided to leave it alone. Interesting, but not for me.
I actually enjoyed the articles. I got bogged down sometimes because I am not a librarian and I don't always understand the issues or jargon. The two I enjoyed most were the 3 icebergs and To a tempory place in time.
Thoughts on Library 2.0
Place in time...
To see my link about #15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0 please see:
brain shift . . .
Away from the Icebergs
And I'm getting more comfortable finding graphics!
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