Monday, October 20, 2008

#2 Lifelong Learning & L2

Listen to this podcast [1:31]-->
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Among libraries, lifelong learning is one of those core values we shelve our books by. So it makes sense that before we embark on this new online learning and discovery journey that we should take a few minutes to review a few habits that can assist in creating lifelong learners.

These habits, which we’ve called the Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, will provide you with a refresher on what it means to be a lifelong learner.

Discovery Exercise:

  1. Make sure you have headphones or speakers attached to your computer (you can also read along if you don't have headphones handy).

  2. Open up the 7 & 1/2 Habits online tutorial and view the online tutorial. Note: If you have questions or feedback about the tutorial, contact one of the contributors of this blog. Original PLCMC staff members are listed in the tutorial.

  3. As you watch and listen, write down which habit among the 7 & 1/2 that is easiest for you and which is hardest.

  4. Post your thoughts about the JPL Learning 2.0 project and lifelong learning to this blog entry. Introduce yourself (first names are fine) and tell us what you think is going to be the easiest habit to keep and what will be the hardest and why.

  5. Important: Your comment here will be the way we know you have completed Things 1 and 2 so make sure you complete this important step.

    • Click on the comments link at the end of this post

    • Write your answer in the comment box provided

    • Choose the Name/URL option and enter your first name and last initial followed by your email address in the name box.
      ex. Karen Walker (

Have fun! If you haven't jumped on board yet, it's never too late to become a lifelong learner.


sarthurgeiger said...
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Anonymous said...

I expect that Habit 3 is both the easiest and the hardest for me ...

Easiest because I like finding answers, solutions and work-arounds relating to new problems; but

Hardest if the problem is a recurring one that isn't really under my control -- e.g., I have less and less patience with the same problems and issues over and over again, such as continually having to remind different customers working at library PCs to turn down the volume !
Ed Lein (

Trudy said...

I think habit 3 would be the easiest for me because I view problems as learning experiences if I come across a similar problem I will know how to deal with the situation or have a solution for it.

and habit 5 create your own learning toolbox because as of now what would I put in the tool box?

Anonymous said...

Habit 7 1/2 is the easiest for me, because I'm of the mind that I can "play" with anything and eventually discover what makes it work.

Habit 7 would probaby be most difficult for me, because I don't always feel that I have the knowledge necessary to teach others.

Anonymous said...

I would say that Habit 1 is the easiest for me. If I can see the
"light at the end of the tunnel" then I am more likely to complete the project. Habit 6 would definately be the hardest, which is one reason I'm taking this!

Anonymous said...

Habit 1 the easiest--no difficulty setting goals. 71/2 the toughest, since adults are told to put up toys of childhood and get to work.

kimleeann said...

I think that Habit 1 would be the easiest for me because it isn’t hard to think or write goals down on paper.

I habit 3 would be the hardest for me because sometimes the challenges can lead you away for your goals.

Karren said...

kdeas (

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the hardest life lesson habit for me would be #1 because setting goals for your self can be pretty intimidating especially if you are at the beginning of accomplishing a long and hard lesson. The easiest for me would be #3 because viewing PROBLEMS as CHALLENGES can really turn around your point of view and give you the extra oomph you need to tackle it and accomplish your goal.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Habit 1 is the easiest for me. Setting the goal. My goal is to become more involved in technology and this is why I began JPL learning 2.0.

Anonymous said...

I think 2.0 is a great way for people who have had no real reason to explore modern technical applications find a reason to play with them. I’m all for playing on the internet.

The hardest thing for me will probably be # 7 (Teach/mentor others). I will always help someone if they ask, but I don’t go searching for people that need help. The easiest is absolutely #6 (Use technology to your advantage). It’s the only way I’m passing college right now!

Anonymous said...

the hardest of the 7 1/2 habits for me would be using technology to my advantage. for example i prefer tapes over cds...the easiest step would be seeing the end of a goal...

Anonymous said...

Viewing problems as a challenge will be hardest.

The last habit of play should be the easiest--I like to play computer games.

sarthurgeiger said...
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sarthurgeiger said...

I am choosing "setting a goal" as my easiest habit for 12-lifelong-learning-habits. Now I just need to make time to begin achieving that goal!

Susan Arthur (

jackie said...
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Anonymous said...

Competent effective learner on computer based info/tech is definitely the challenge today.

jackie said...

curryj (

I've learned from the seven habits that Habit one is easy for me in having to make goals and stick to them....that (believe it or not) is pretty much easy for me. Habit five might be a problem as to procrastination and resources, but I am determined to make this work!!

Jill said...

I think all these habits are good and will prove useful if followed. I couldn't just pick one that was hardest. I enjoy learning new things, but sometimes I find myself not following through with something (either I don't have time or don't make it a priority or whatever). So I guess #3 (problems as challenges) and #4 (feeling confident in learning) will be most challenging. For easist I was going to say #6 (using technology) but there are times I prefer my paper notebooks to pocket PC gadgets. So I will say #2 (accept responsibility).

Jill (

Feather on the Path said...

kjessee ( The 7 1/2 habits was helpful to review. I hope to be more open to all positive aspects of learning. I find habit of using a toolbox easy. 7 1/2 is the one I'm going to find the hardest.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just realized I posted to my blog but not to here . . .

go to

Test 1 ( said...
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Diane Willman ( said...

After viewing the 7 1/2 Habits I think Habit 3 (View problems as challenges) will be the hardest for me and Habit 4 (Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner) will be the easiest.